اینجا یاب

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اینجا یاب

در مورد هر چه می خواهید اینجا بیابید!

Cities and Fascination

Preface ixAcknowledgements xiList of Contributors xiii1 Cities and Fascination: Beyond the Surplus of Meaning 1Heiko Schmid, Wolf-Dietrich Sahr, John UrryPart I: Revealing Fascination: Theoretical Horizons2 T he Urban Question after Modernity 17Michael Dear3 T he City is Back (in Our Minds) 33Jacques Lévy4 E motions in an Urban Environment: Embellishing the Cities from thePerspective of the Humanities 49Jürgen Hasse5 A esthetics and Design: Perceptions in the Postmodern Periph …

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