دانلود کتاب Hydraulic Fracturing نوشته :Michael Berry SmithCarl T. Montgomery فصول کتاب شامل: 1.History, Introduction, and How a Treatment Is Conducted 2.Definitions and Simple Geometry Models 3.Design Variables 4.Rock Stresses 5.Petrophysics 6.Post-Frac Performance 7.Treatment Scheduling 8.Frac Pressure Analysis 9.Engineering the Fluid 10.Fracturing Fluid Components 11.Proppants 12.Perforating 13.Acid Fracturing 14.Fracture Diagnostics 15.Special Topics: Shale/Horizontal Well Fracturing, Frac Packing,and Waste Disposal. 16.Quality Control 17.Hydraulic Fracture Design Data Needs 18.Example Design 19.Glossary and Terms 20.Problems ...
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سهشنبه 19 مرداد 1395 ساعت 20:05