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اینجا یاب

در مورد هر چه می خواهید اینجا بیابید!

دانلود مقاله Attacks on Mobile Adhoc Networks: A Survey - انتشار 2014

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.5, May 2014E-ISSN: 2321-9637 Er. Nitin Aggarwal1, Ms. Kanta Dhankhar2 Abstract-Due to recent developments in technology and uniquely distinct characteristics of MANETs, theapplicability of MANETs have become pervasive. As the applications are increasing, the vulnerability of thesenetworks against various attacks has been exposed. MANETs have not clearly and explicitly stated defensemechanisms, so attacker node can easily di ...

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دانلود مقاله A Survey of QoS Based Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks

J Inf Process Syst, Vol.8, No.4, December 2012 R.Sumathi* and M.G.Srinivas** Abstract—With the increasing demand for real time applications in the Wireless SenorNetwork (WSN), real time critical events anticipate an efficient quality-of-service (QoS)based routing for data delivery from the network infrastructure. Designing such QoSbased routing protocol to meet the reliability and delay guarantee of critical events whilepreserving the energy efficiency is a challenging task. Considerable r ...

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دانلود مقاله A survey and tutorial of wireless relay network protocols based on network coding

Title: A survey and tutorial of wireless relay network protocols based on network coding Author(S) :Ahmed Hassan Mohammeda, b,Benxiong Huanga, Muhammad Azhara, Guan Xua, Peng Qina, Shui Yuc Bin Daia, Journal/Conference Name: Journal of Network and Computer Applications Volume: 36 Year: 2013 Issue: 3 Pages: 593–610 در صورت بروز مشکل در دانلود مقاله یا سوال با آدرس ایمیل projectsara.ir@gmail.com مکاتبه نمایید. با تشکر ...

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